Themed Lesson: Summer

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Daniela Dimitrova/Pixabay

Age Range: Elementary, Grades K-4

Introduction: In this lesson, activities are paired with listening suggestions to help listeners discover and enjoy music inspired by summer. Select activities listed below based on time allotted, classroom goals, and student needs.

Total Video Time: 35:06

Total Lesson Time: Each activity approximately 10 minutes

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Imaginative play develops problem-solving skills and encourages creativity and empathy. Here are some ideas to engage young learners in imaginative play, along with a curated set of listening examples to enhance and enrich the experience.

  1. ​Have a picnic! Pretend you are packing a picnic basket. Fold a blanket, fill a water bottle, etc. After the picnic is done, ask children to describe the experience. What color was your picnic blanket? What food did you pack in your basket? What did you see and hear and smell?

  2. ​Play with water! Fill some tubs with water and get out toy boats or rubber duckies.  Imagine running through the sprinkler or throwing water balloons. The title of this piece literally translates to “water play.”

  3. Gaze at the stars. Turn off the lights, allow students to spread out, and (if possible) shine flashlights at the ceiling or walls as “stars.”

  4. Go for a hike. This piece of music almost sounds like walking into the woods. If possible, take a nature walk or hike while listening to this 13-minute piece. If you can’t go outside, listen to a part of it while moving around the room pretending to hike.


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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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