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Age Range: Elementary, Grades 2-6
Learning Objective: Students will participate in a discussion about the definition of music and support their opinions with evidence.
Total Listening Time: 11:51
Total Lesson Time: Approximately 30 minutes
Discuss in class: what is music?
The composer John Cage said that music is simply “organization of sound.”
All of these objects make sound. Could they all make music? Why, or why not?
What about this: do you think this is an instrument? (Show picture of a washing machine.)
A band named Matmos decided to create an album using only sounds recorded from a washing machine. You can listen to a little bit of it here. Remember—every sound you hear was originally created by a washing machine.
Create a journal or log entry template for students. See a sample template here.
Ask students to listen to all or a selection of the following examples:
A meadowlark singing
This drum loop
This performance of 4’33’’ by John Cage
Include some student ideas
After listening to some examples, ask students to create their own list of criteria for music, or write a definition.
Share your findings in class. Ask each student to choose one entry to tell a partner or begin or end class with one student reporting to the whole group.
For older students, compare and contrast two separate listening entries. What elements do they have in common? What is different? Do those differences make a difference when it comes to deciding about whether something is music or not?
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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.