Virtual Concert: Border CrosSing

thumbnail border crossing
Venn Productions

Age Range: Elementary, Middle School; Grades K-8

Learning Objective: Students will listen and respond to music performed by ensemble Border CrosSing.

Total Video Time: 20:50

Total Lesson Time: Approximately 25 minutes

At a Glance: Virtual Concerts give students the opportunity to practice being an audience and experience a variety of music. A teacher or student will play the role of Concert Host narrating between each piece of music.

Teaching Tips: Use the provided Concert Host Script and included links to guide students through a series of videos recreating a concert. For younger learners, see our Concert Guide for ideas on how to customize the concert.

Download This Free Concert Guide

Download This Free Concert Script


“Begin by watching and listening to Border CrosSing perform Xicochi conetzintle (shee-KOH-chee koh-NEHT-zeent-lay) by Gaspar Fernandes.”

“This piece featured singers and several instruments. Did you notice the instrument that looked like goat hooves? Learn a little more about that instrument in the next video.”

“Shahzore explained that a percussion instrument is anything that you “shake, scrape, or tap.” Can you list some percussion instruments that fit that definition? What specific sound are the goat hooves trying to imitate in Xicochi conetzintle? Look at these three instruments. From left to right, they are the bombo, the charango, and the double bass. To which instrument family does each belong? What features help you guess the correct instrument family?”

Instruments in Hanacpachap Cussicuinin
Wikimedia Commons

“The next video features these three instruments. The piece Border CrosSing performs is called Hanacpachap Cussicuinin (HAH-nahk-pah-CHAHP koo-see-KWEE-neen). The composer credit is ‘Anonymous,’ and it was composed in the 17th century. ‘Anonymous’ means we don’t know who originally composed this piece of music.”

“Listen to and watch Border CrosSing perform El Cantarico (ehl kahn-tah-ree-koh), by Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (toh-MAHSS deh toh-reh-HOHN ee veh-LAHSS-koh). This song tells a story and has several different characters. As you watch, try to figure out what is happening in the story.”

“Now Ahmed will explain the story of El Cantarico. The singers will each explain what they do with their voice to help create their individual characters. We will also learn how Nico uses instruments to help tell the story.”

“Ahmed will talk about Border CrosSing’s next piece, and teach you how to sing along with part of it.”

“Now watch Border CrosSing perform Alma Llanera (AHL-mah yah-NEH-rah). Do you remember the words and the hand gestures that go along with them? Sing along while you watch and listen.”

“Thank you for attending today’s virtual concert. We hope you enjoyed listening to and learning from Border CrosSing, and we hope you’ll share what you learned with someone else today.”

EXTEND learning

Choose one or more of the following activities to extend learning.

  1. Write down or tell someone three things you learned from Border CrosSing’s concert.

  2. Learn more about instrument families with this lesson and this virtual concert.


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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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