Instrument Exploration: Flute

CN Thumbnail Flute

Age Range: Elementary, Grades K-6

Learning Objective: Students will learn to identify the flute by sight and sound.

Total Video Time: 19:10 with all “extend” videos; 6:00 without “extend”

Total Lesson Time: Approximately 25 minutes

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INTRODUCE the flute

  1. Look at a picture of a flute. Can you describe it? What do you think it looks like?”

  2. Listen to Karen from e(L)ement as she tells you a little about the flute.

EXPLORE the flute

  1. The flute is a member of the woodwind family, but it’s not made of wood! Can you explain why the flute is a member of the woodwind family?

  2. Listen to this piece of music featuring flute and harp. As you listen, think of three words that describe the sound of the flute.

  3. Instruct students to compare the sound of the flute with the sound of the harp. Have students either write down their thoughts or share them with a classmate. 

EXTEND learning about the flute

Choose one or more of the following activities to extend learning.

  1. Make a flute with your class using PVC pipe and power tools.

  2. Listen to flutes from different time periods in this 8-minute video featuring Deb Harris of the Concordia Wind Quintet.

  3. Expose students to a musical score during this flute solo. Demonstrate following the high and low notes on the screen to trace the melody in the air with their finger.

  4. Listen to pop singer Lizzo play flute with the NY Philharmonic.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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