Instrument Exploration: PianoThe piano has 88 keys! Explore how sound is made on this keyboard instrument.
Instrument Exploration: FluteEven though it’s made of metal, the flute is a member of the woodwind family! Listen to and learn about the flute in this lesson.
Instrument Exploration: ViolaThe viola looks like the violin, but it’s just a little bigger! Learn about the viola and listen to several Class Notes artists demonstrate their instrument.
What is IMPROVISATION?Making up music on the spot is called “improvisation.” Learn how musicians improvise and practice creating your own music in this hands-on lesson!
Instrument Exploration: SaxophoneBari, Tenor, Alto, Soprano - learn about these four saxophones in this instrument exploration lesson.
Instrument Exploration: OboeDid you know most oboe players make their own reeds? Learn about this woodwind instrument and hear what it sounds like in this instrument exploration lesson!
Instrument Exploration: ViolinThe violin is the smallest instrument in the string family! Learn to identify the violin by sight and sound! Listen to several Class Notes artists demonstrate their instrument.
Themed Lesson: United StatesGreat for Independence Day or Memorial Day. Listen to four pieces written by composers from the United States.
Instrument Exploration: Composers and the Pipe Organ (Part Three)Compare and contrast four musical pieces written for this instrument!
Instrument Exploration: How the Pipe Organ Works (Part Two)Learn more about how the pipe organ works- part two of a three-part series!
Instrument Exploration: Meet The Organ (Part One)Meet four organists, or people who play the organ, in four different settings.
What is a NOCTURNE?Nocturnes are special pieces of music inspired by nighttime! Tap into a calm, peaceful feeling as you learn some defining features and listen to musical examples. For grades K-8.
Themed Lesson: LandscapesComposers often depict images of nature or a landscape through music and sound. Listen to some music inspired by different landscapes. For Grades K-6.
Themed Lesson: FireworksHow might a composer turn the sound of fireworks into music? Listen to six pieces inspired by fireworks. Great for all ages!
Listening Lesson: 'In Memoriam'Music and art can help process feelings surrounding difficult issues. In 2020, Sphinx Virtuosi recorded Herbert’s piece, In Memoriam in remembrance of George Floyd, Stephen Lawrence and many other victims.
Listening Lesson: 'Cat's Fugue'Cat videos, cat memes, and composers and cats! Notice how melodic contour can represent the path of a cat’s feet, moving up and down a keyboard in Domenico Scarlatti's ‘Cat Fugue.’
Instrument Exploration: TromboneThe trombone is a member of the brass family! Learn a little about the instrument, and hear its sound in several different settings.
Virtual Concert: Featuring Black MusiciansBlack musicians have shaped and defined every aspect of American music. This virtual concert offers a small starting place to start investigating some notable Black performers and composers.
Themed Lesson: SnowComposers have tried to capture the sound of snow in their music. Listen, respond, and move to four pieces of music about snow.
Instrument Exploration: French HornDid you know the French horn isn't really French? Learn about this brass instrument and watch some videos in unique or unusual settings.
Listening Lesson: 'Mothership'Listen and respond to string instruments and soloists how improvise, in this lesson featuring Mason Bates’ Mothership.
Listening Lesson: Jessie Montgomery and Musical InfluenceComposer Jessie Montgomery was influenced by listening to a lot of records as a child. Look back historically on various devices used to capture music from the record player to the smart phone, and learn about some of the composer’s influences.
Themed Lesson: Fairy TalesEngage emerging literacy skills such as character identification and use of descriptive words to compare and contrast music featuring Sleeping Beauty, the Sugar Plum Fairy, Trolls, a witch, and Prince Charming.
Themed Lesson: HomeThink about the meaning of "home" and hear music inspired by that idea in this listening lesson.
Instrument Exploration: BassoonThe bassoon is sometimes called the "comedian of the orchestra.” Learn about this unique woodwind instrument!
Themed Lesson: Protest MusicStudents will think about why people protest and how they use music when protesting.
What is a SCHERZO?The word "scherzo" means "to jest" or "to joke" in Italian. Learn about the characteristics of a scherzo while listening to some playful examples!
Instrument Exploration: ClarinetDid you know the clarinet is nicknamed "the licorice stick"? Learn about this woodwind instrument and enjoy several listening examples.
What is a TOCCATA?A toccata showcases many skills a musician needs to play a piece of music. Listen to several toccatas written for keyboard instruments and reflect on what techniques the performers must use. For Grades K-8.
Instrument Exploration: MandolinThe mandolin is a string instrument that can be used in many different genres of music! Learn about the instrument and listen to it in several different styles of music.
Themed Lesson: Memorial DayUse music to think about how to remember those who have served their country and those who are no longer with us. For all ages.
Music & Art: "Pictures at an Exhibition"Experience Modest Mussorgsky’s art-influenced musical masterpiece, “Pictures at an Exhibition.”
Music & Art: Compose Your Own MusicCompose your own music inspired by a piece of art! Suitable, with modifications, for all ages.
Music & Art: A Trip to the Museum!Compare and contrast elements in both visual art and music in this virtual field trip to an art museum.
Listening Lesson: 'Golden Butterflies'Explore the timbres of the violin, cello, and piano in this listening lesson.
Instrument Exploration: Double BassThe double bass is the largest, and lowest-sounding, string instrument. Learn to identify it by sight and sound!
Instrument Exploration: HarpIn this lesson, learn about and listen to the harp most commonly used in orchestras: the "pedal harp."
Listening Lesson: 'Vltava'Use your imagination and transport yourself to the Moldau River as you listen to Vltava, also called The Moldau, by Bedřich Smetana.
Themed Lesson: FlowersEnjoy four pieces of music, each inspired by a different flower. Use active listening skills to play a matching game.
Listening Lesson: 'Walking the Dog'Composer George Gershwin wrote a piece called Walking the Dog. Internalize steady beat by walking along to this musical promenade.
Sound Scavenger HuntTrain your ears to hear specific instruments. Fun twist: every instrument in this lesson starts with the letter T!
Themed Lesson: VillainsLiterature and music are full of memorable villains! Listen to music inspired by villains and make up your own villain character. For Grades 2-5.
Themed Lesson: HeroesWhat makes someone a hero? What makes music heroic? Listen and respond to heroic-sounding music.
Listening Lesson: 'Saturday Night Waltz'Follow along with a listening map and use movement to respond to part of Aaron Copland’s ballet, Rodeo. Great for all ages.
Themed Lesson: RainMany composers have captured the sound and feeling of rain in music. In this lesson, explore four different pieces about rain.
Instrument Exploration: The Brass FamilyThe brass family is one of four main instrument families in the orchestra. Learn how to make a sound on a brass instrument and hear recordings of various brass instruments.
Instrument Exploration: Mallet InstrumentsMallet instruments are a part of the percussion family. Explore four kinds of mallet instruments in this lesson.
Music and MeditationThis Music and Mindfulness lesson is great for all ages! Explore meditation as a tool for self-regulation. Listen to some calming music while learning to breathe deep and be still.
Themed Lesson: April Fools'Listen to music by composers who have captured the mischievous characters of practical jokers, clowns, and comedians in their compositions.
Music and ExpressionLearn how composers use music to express themselves. Listen to Mozart's "Gran Partita" and hear how other students feel while listening.
What is THEME AND VARIATION?Composers like to take a familiar tune, or a THEME, and create different variations, or versions. Listen and respond to different pieces of music with a Theme and Variation form.
What is TIMBRE?Timbre is the unique or special sound that a thing makes. Watch a fun video about tone color and play around with timbre in objects around your classroom or home.
Instrument Exploration: CymbalsCrash! Bang! Learn about this percussion instrument, and try making (and playing) your own cymbals with household objects.
What is PIZZICATO?Learn to differentiate between two different string techniques (pizzicato and arco) in this lesson.
Instrument Exploration: CelloExplore the cello through a piece called ‘The Escape Artist,‘ by Zoe Keating.
Listening Lesson: 'Short Ride in a Fast Machine'Practice finding the STEADY BEAT in this listening lesson for Elementary ages.