Listening Lesson: 'Mars, the Bringer of War'

Mars · Pixabay

Age Range: Elementary, Middle School; Grades K-8

Overall Description: Listening Lessons guide students through one piece or movement of music, using listening maps and suggested activities to cultivate deep listening skills.

Total Listening Time: 6:43

Total Lesson Time: Approximately 20 minutes

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INTRODUCE Gustav Holst’s piece Mars, the Bringer of War

Composer Gustav Holst wrote a collection of musical pieces called The Planets. He wrote music for each of these planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Can you find each planet on a map or diagram? Talk or write about what you think music would sound like for each planet.

The Solar System
Diagram of the Solar System (sizes to scale, but not positions)
Wikimedia Commons

LISTEN to Mars, the Bringer of War

Listen to Mars, the Bringer of War by Gustav Holst.

The Planets: Mars - Gustav Holst conducting London Symphony Orchestra

As you listen, think about what life might be like on Mars. If you want to do a little research, look here. Think about some reasons why people might need or want to live on other planets someday.

EXTEND thinking about Mars

Choose one or more activities to extend learning.

  • Design (on paper) and build your vision of a colony or settlement on Mars. Use LEGO, K'NEX, DUPLO or a collection of household items like cotton swabs, pipe cleaners or empty cereal boxes. Be prepared to present and explain your work to someone.

  • Maybe you noticed that the beginning of Holst's "Mars" sounds a little like some very famous music from a very famous movie about outer space. Composer John Williams was inspired by Holst's Mars when writing The Imperial March for Star Wars.

    Williams -- The Imperial March
  • Can't stop wondering about space? Look at some cool space photos on the NASA kids website.

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